Spiritual Perspectives

Soul Sunday in the Fuller Dome

Join us every Sunday at 10:30 AM in the Fuller Dome for “Soul Sunday.” The heart of this spiritual gathering is the sharing of prayers, inspirational readings, and passages from the scriptures of many faiths. Beyond that, there is no set form. You are welcome to simply sit, meditate and enjoy the spiritual atmosphere, or take a more active role by bringing and reading spiritual writings that uplift you. All are welcome. Masks are required indoors on SIUE campus.

The following text is a transcript of the talk presented by Dr. Al Deibert on October 22nd, 2021 in the Center for Spirituality and Sustainability on the occasion of the dome’s 50th Anniversary.

The Spirituality of R. Buckminster Fuller

I am speaking today on the spiritual life of Buckminster Fuller.  I’m hoping that you are already acquainted with Buckminster Fuller and the phenomenal and extraordinary life he lived.  Viewed in the larger context of his lifetime achievements and the corpus of ideas he produced, what I am about to share with you becomes even more significant and meaningful.

The Encyclopedia of the Future, published in 1996, contains contributions from some 400 experts.  These experts were asked, “Who was the most influential futurist in the history of the world?”  Buckminster Fuller is listed first ahead of such luminaries as H.G. Wells, Isaac Newton, Arnold Toynbee, and Leonardo da Vinci.  Some have referred to Fuller as the Leonardo da Vinci of our time.  In addition to being a ‘futurist’ Fuller was also an architect, engineer, inventor, philosopher, author, cartographer, geometrician, teacher, and poet.  This preeminent thinker of the 20th century had many components to his life: a dymaxion component, a geodesic component, a comprehensive anticipatory design component, a spaceship earth component, a sustainability component, among others.  But the major component of his life was spiritual.  According to Fuller, without this component, none of the others could have been realized.

So why is it so infrequently acknowledged in presentations or discussions of the life of this seminal genius of the last century?

There are a couple of reasons for this.  One, Fuller, himself, was cautious in speaking about his spiritual life publically.  Not that he didn’t speak or write about his spiritual beliefs and ideas, but he didn’t broadcast them and he appears to have been very selective with whom he shared his more personal and private experiences and musings.   He said, “ My task was not to preach about God, but to serve God in silence about God.”   In one instance, sharing with a kindred soul an extraordinary spiritual experience he had had, he informed her that, “...he never shared this with anyone, because, given his work in the world, he could not use the words ‘Christ’ or ‘God.’  She reports that “he then turned and said, ‘darling (he always called us ‘darling’)... there is only God, there is nothing but God.’” 

A second reason was that the subject of religion or God or a Creative Intellect in Universe was difficult for individuals in Fuller’s sphere of operation to accept.  Intellectuals and scientists with whom he associated were puzzled by his spiritual attunement to life.  Still today there are those, familiar with Fuller’s prodigious mind and accomplishments, who wonder at the prospect that Fuller entertained a concept of and belief in God.  Jay Baldwin, colleague of and lecturer on Fuller reports, “A number of people  [have] asked me, ‘How could Bucky believe in God and still claim to be a scientist...?” (The dilemma of our day: God or science vs. God and science.  It all comes down to the conjunctions!) 

While not embracing a religiously prescribed or organized profession of faith (His grand-father was a Unitarian minister, his great-aunt Margaret an internationally celebrated Transcendentalist), Fuller had a personally defined belief in a Higher or Cosmic Intelligence – conditioned by a predominately Christian influence.  Given the enormity of his intellect he, naturally, had his own ideas about the nature of God and the workings of this Intelligence in Universe but there is no option to doubt or question his belief in a governing intelligence behind the design and structure of Universe.  There are sufficient references in his writings to confirm this. 

“Luckily, I had had a good scientific training, and the discovery of those great, eternal, scientific principles that could only be expressed mathematically – mathematics is purely intellectual – made me conclude that I was overwhelmed with the manifests of a greater intellect operating in Universe than that of humans...” (Fuller often addressed or spoke of  Universe, with a capitol ‘U,’ rather than speaking of ‘the universe.’)

“Such Universal Laws can be expressed only mathematically.  Mathematics is purely intellectual.  Altogether these laws manifest the eternal intellectual integrity of Universe that I speak of as ‘God’.”

“Since all the cosmic scale inventing and designing is accomplishable only by intellect, and since it is not by the intellect of humans, it is obviously that of the eternal intellectual integrity we call God.” 

“Personally, I am overwhelmed by the spiritual evidence of a greater intellect.  Call it God, but a word is just a direction and so utterly inadequate to capture the meaning of this 100 percent efficient, eternally unlimited integrity.  ...in whatever way we humans refer to this ‘integrity,’ it will always be an inadequate expression of its cosmic omniscience and omnipotence.” 

“The greatest mistake we have ever made is to assume that the supreme authority governing life and Universe is not God but ... luck...” (Or we could say ‘chance’ or ‘randomness’).  

While Fuller saw in the structure of Universe a grand and comprehensive design, which could only be accounted for or explained by acknowledging the reality of a ‘designing intelligence,’ his belief in this  ‘transcendent creative force’ was not merely some abstract, theorized concept.  His God, his Intelligent Designer, was not some distant, detached reality.  His God, his Intelligent Designer, was close and personal.  Fuller not only acknowledges a belief in God but of living in a personal relationship with Him.  

All this came about as a result of a unique episode in Fuller’s life – an experience that can reasonably be described as a ‘spiritual epiphany.’  He emerged from the experience with a new and overriding commitment for his life.

Briefly, in 1927 Fuller had come to a critical path or juncture in his life, a path to self-destruction - depressed, burdened with self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness.  He had lost his 4 year old daughter to illness (for which he blamed himself), considered himself a business failure and was living in a one-bedroom apartment in the slums of Chicago, penniless. He approached the shores of Lake Michigan with the intent of drowning himself. (He was a robust swimmer so he probably would have been several miles off shore before his energy was exhausted and he succumbed to the waters of the lake.) But he was stopped – halted - by a “Voice.”  He was told, “You do not have the right to do away with yourself.  You do not belong to you, you belong to the universe.”  He acquiesced to the “voice” and chose life - but never forgot that he was a potential “throwaway.”  He turned from the lake resolving to  “trust the Anticipatory Intellectual Wisdom which we may call God.” 

“I am going to commit myself completely to the wisdom of God and to [the] realization of the advantages for all humanity potentially existent in what life has already taught and may as yet teach me.” 

Later he explained, “When I said in 1927 that I was going to try to find out and support what the great ‘cosmic intellectual integrity’ was trying to do, I committed myself, as completely as humans can, to absolute faith in the wisdom of the eternal intellectual integrity we speak of as God.”

The remainder of his life (and it was a long one) was committed to becoming “an encouraging example of what the little, average human being can do if you have absolute faith in the ‘eternal cosmic intelligence’ we call God.”  He designated himself, Guinea Pig B (B for Bucky – the name by which he preferred to be addressed), to find out what “an average, healthy human being could achieve if he committed himself to work on behalf of all humanity.” 

Fuller stated, “If I am doing what God wants done...then I do not have to worry about not being commissioned to do so by any Earthians and I don’t have to worry how we are going to acquire the money, tools and services necessary.” 

He reasoned, “...if...[an] undertaking became affirmatively supported by God it would entail many extraordinary physical and metaphysical insights regarding both human and cosmic affairs.” 

 “...If I were doing what God wanted to be done, I would get on.”

And so it was; his life and work stand as a living testament to this affirmation. 

Fuller explains how, over his life time, “...Entirely unsolicited by me or by my family or by any of those working with me on my staff – individuals or organizations outside my domain came spontaneously to me or to my staff to employ me as a speaker, author, architect, or consultant.  It is these unsolicited, uncontrived, spontaneous short engagement employments of me in one role or another, plus – on rare occasions – an unsolicited outright gift to me of money, materials, tools, working space, commissions for designs, orders for specific products, etc., which ... I have classified ... as the “miracles” - always unforeseeable-in-advance - which have financed or implemented my technical initiatives.” “Since I have committed myself to others, only the impossible has happened.” 

For the last 25 years my income has averaged a quarter of a million dollars a year and my office overhead, travel, inventions, research and development, and taxes have also averaged a quarter of a million dollars [a year].  I am always operating in proximity to bankruptcy but never going bankrupt. ... I have no accrued saving of earnings.  Income taxes take away even the most meager cushioning of funds.  I have no retirement fund.  I am on nobody’s retirement roll.  My wife’s and my own social security combine to $9,000 per year.” 

At another time he explained, “Me, my wife, [and] my family, have for 56 years realized a series of miracles that occur just when I need something, but not until the absolutely last second.  If what I think I need does not become available, I realize that my objective may be invalid or that I am steering a wrong course.”   

In this recounting of his life circumstances, we see the total, unreserved TRUST (I emphasize the word ‘trust’) Fuller held in the support and ministrations of what he called the “integrity” of God.  “I was supported only by my faith in God...”

Another circumstance to consider: Fuller died, 11 days short of his 88th birthday, at his wife’s bedside.  He interrupted his busy, world-encompassing travels and lectures to be at her side, having received news that she was ill.  (Yes, even at this late age, he was still engaged in world-encompassing travels and talks; still one of the most popular and sought after speakers of the time.)  He had a massive heart attack at her bedside and could not be revived; his wife, Anne, followed 36 hours later.  He died with his ’boots on’ as they say.  Truly, to those of discernment, further evidence of that ‘cosmic oversight’ that blessed his life. 

It is difficult to surmise the true depths of the spiritual matters that occupied Fuller’s mind and thoughts.  He claimed, “Man is 99% unknowable and untouchable.” (An interesting question to ponder, did he believe this to be valid in relation ‘to others’ – we are “99% unknowable and untouchable” by others - or did he also believe this to be true in reference to self – we are 99% unknowable and untouchable to ourselves?)  

Some insight into the depths and profundity of his spiritual ruminations can be seen in his version of the Lord’s Prayer.  Fuller said, “Before going to sleep, even for short naps, I always re-explore and rethink my way through the Lord’s Prayer.”

There are two versions of Fuller’s Lord’s Prayer extant: a long, three-page version dated 1966 and a later short, single page version dated 1971.  It must be said that Fuller’s version of the Lord’s Prayer is so reconceived, so rearticulated, that it is acknowledgeable as the Lord’s Prayer only because Fuller designates it as such. 

The only semblance to the original Lord’s Prayer is the opening statement, O God, Our father who art in.... In the later, 1971 version, “he-even” replaces “heaven.”  The earlier version reads, “in heaven, in he-even, in all of us.”  In a later article titled, Rethinking the Lord’s Prayer, he wrote, “... Our father who art in we-even.” He continues, “Omniexperience is Your identity.” (Fuller claimed, “God is a verb, not a noun.)  It ends with, “You are the universal integrity, the eternal integrity is You.  We thank you with all our hearts, souls and mind.”

It is a wonderful hymn of homage and acclamation to a creator-designer God. Contemplating the ideas presented in this prayer, we glimpse not only the magnitude and grandeur of Fuller’s perception of the Divine Reality but the appreciation and gratitude that informed his knowledge of the “Eternal Integrity.”

It is interesting to note that there is also evidence in Fuller’s public statements that indicate his belief in immortality. In response to a friend who sent word that his wife had died, Fuller responded, “long ago we had irrefutable scientific evidence that whatever life may be it is not physical.  I assume all humans to be immortal.” And, in another statement with regard to the human presence in Universe he said, “You and I are essential functions of Universe.  We are exquisite anti-entropy.  I’ll be seeing you! Forever.”

Fuller maintained that, “Man was designed to be a success, not a failure.  Metaphysical man as mind is master over the physical – humans comprehend ‘less than one millionth of reality.’   While man is physically infinitesimal, compared to the billions of stars and galaxies, the abilities of his mind are unlimited – mind is greater than and distinct from brain because it deals with the eternal.” 

Among the many bits of advice Fuller had for us, was this:  “”I see that God tries very hard and apparently is intent to make us a success if it is possible.  So if we can’t make it, it is because of each individual.  You can’t leave it to your politicians to represent you; you can’t leave it to your ministers to pray for you.  It’s going to be how each individual reacts in relation to the truth.”

It seems appropriate to close this exposition of Fuller’s spiritual life with his Lord’s Prayer – short version.

O god

Our father

Who art in he-even (or in the later, rethought explanation, “Who art in we-even.”)


Is your identity.

You have given us

O’erwhelmingly manifestation

Of your complete knowledge,

Your complete comprehension,

Your complete wisdom,

Your complete concern,

Your complete competence,

Your complete effectiveness,

Your complete love and compassion,

Your complete forgiveness, giveness, and postgiveness,

Your complete inspiration giving,

Your complete evolutionary sagacity,

Your complete power, will, initiative,

Your absolute timing of all realization.

Yours, dear god,

Is the only and the complete glory!

You are the universal integrity

The eternal integrity is you.

We thank you with all our hearts,

Souls and mind - Amen.   (Intuition)


And I say, Amen!

SIUE professor’s new book pushes for religion to be studied in the context of race, class and gender

“Remixed and Reimagined: Innovations in Religion, Spirituality, and (Inter)faith in Higher Education” is a new co-edited book inviting readers to re-examine the way higher education has studied religion, spirituality and interfaith. SIUE Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and co-editor, J.T. Snipes, said the book is a way to start thinking about religion in a more multidimensional way.

“We’ve often thought about [religion] along a single dimension. So religion exists in a space that is separate from race, gender, class, and what we’re doing in this text is trying to bring those identities and trying to understand the world together,” Snipes said. The book is split into two parts, both about having different thought processes in the way religion is studied.

“The first half of the book invites scholars to rethink their methods of studying what religion is … In the second half of the book, we want you to think differently about it, and want to include different stories of religion,” Snipes said. “So the second half of the book focuses on topics that are under-researched in higher education.”

read the rest of reporter Damian Morris’ story for the Alestle Here…

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Resource links for Spirituality and Sustainability:

 Interfaith Calendar:  Sacred Times for World Religions thru 2030



Diversity Calendar for Ethnic and Multi-cultural Themes



Interfaith Renewal Project 



National Religious Partnership for the Environment



Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development



Environmental Sustainability in Islam



Baha’I Faith Statement of the Environment 



Hindu Faith Statement on the Environment



Summary of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si and related links



Faith-Based Eco-Justice Organizations



Partnership for Earth Spirituality



The Potential of Religion for Earth Stewardship



8 Christian Environmental Organizations



Environmental and Humanitarian Faith-Based Organizations



EnergyStar:  Faith Based Environmental Stewardship Organizations


When Pope Francis released an encyclical in 2015 it called for action to curb climate change, which he says is caused by human activities.

In the papal letter, named Laudato Si’ or “Praise Be to You,” the pope includes two prayers on the issue—one for believers of all kinds and one specifically for Christians.

Here are the text of those prayers:

At the conclusion of this lengthy reflection which has been both joyful and troubling, I propose that we offer two prayers. The first we can share with all who believe in a God who is the all-powerful Creator, while in the other we Christians ask for inspiration to take up the commitment to creation set before us by the Gospel of Jesus.

A prayer for our earth

All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures.
You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.
Pour out upon us the power of your love,
that we may protect life and beauty.

Fill us with peace, that we may live
as brothers and sisters, harming no one.
O God of the poor,
help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this earth, so precious in your eyes.
Bring healing to our lives,
that we may protect the world and not prey on it,
that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction. Touch the hearts
of those who look only for gain
at the expense of the poor and the earth.
Teach us to discover the worth of each thing,
to be filled with awe and contemplation,
to recognize that we are profoundly united
with every creature
as we journey towards your infinite light.
We thank you for being with us each day.
Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle
for justice, love and peace.

A Christian prayer in union with creation

Father, we praise you with all your creatures.
They came forth from your all-powerful hand;
they are yours, filled with your presence and your tender love. Praise be to you!

Son of God, Jesus,
through you all things were made.
You were formed in the womb of Mary our Mother, you became part of this earth,
and you gazed upon this world with human eyes. Today you are alive in every creature
in your risen glory.
Praise be to you!

Holy Spirit, by your light
you guide this world towards the Father’s love and accompany creation as it groans in travail. You also dwell in our hearts
and you inspire us to do what is good.
Praise be to you!

Triune Lord, wondrous community of infinite love, teach us to contemplate you
in the beauty of the universe,
for all things speak of you.

Awaken our praise and thankfulness
for every being that you have made.
Give us the grace to feel profoundly joined to everything that is.

God of love, show us our place in this world
as channels of your love
for all the creatures of this earth,
for not one of them is forgotten in your sight.
Enlighten those who possess power and money
that they may avoid the sin of indifference,
that they may love the common good, advance the weak, and care for this world in which we live.

The poor and the earth are crying out.
O Lord, seize us with your power and light, help us to protect all life,
to prepare for a better future,
for the coming of your Kingdom
of justice, peace, love and beauty.
Praise be to you!

Watch our leadership awards program honoring Sally Burgess, of Studio Gaia, for Spirituality Leadership

and William Odell, of HOK Architects, for Sustainability Leadership.