Fuller Dome

25th Anniversary Play Performance

“R. Buckminster Fuller: THE HISTORY (and Mystery) OF THE UNIVERSE” written by D. W. Jacobs from the life, work and writings of R. B. Fuller was developed and received its world premiere production at San Diego Repertory Theatre on March 31, 2000. Independent of the play’s debut, March 31st has also been recognized by the Fuller Dome as the 90th Day of the year and adopted as an occasion to celebrate both the building’s and Fuller’s connection to our planet’s 90th Longitudinal Meridian. Fuller designed his miniature-earth geoscope dome on the SIUE campus to straddle the Earth’s 90th Meridian. The 90th Meridian also serves as the central reference line of his more accurate Dymaxion Map. Fuller used the 90th Meridian as the spine of his Dymaxion Map because all lines of longitude, traveling in the North-South direction, become a different number when they reach one of the poles and enter the opposite hemisphere. The separate numbers for these lines of longitude always add up to 180 degrees, so the 90th Meridian is able to be the 90th in both hemispheres. In cartography it is known as a great circle. Fuller referred to the 90th Meridian as “our great global main street.” Join us on the 90th Day, on the 90th Meridian for a special 25th Anniversary performance of “R. Buckminster Fuller: THE HISTORY (and Mystery) OF THE UNIVERSE.”

“Use of the name, likeness, and words of R. Buckminster Fuller is by arrangement with the Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller.”

The Buffalo Treaty

St. Louis - 2024 Event Series on Contemporary Indigenous Knowledge and Environmental Sustainability 

Humans, Nature and the Buffalo Treaty

A dialogue with Leroy Little Bear, Roxann Smith, and Chance Weston 

Hosted by the Native American Studies Program, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 

Date: October 11th, 2024 
Time: 12:30-2:30 pm CDT 
Location: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Center for Spirituality & Sustainability the Fuller Dome
Cost: Free of charge; All attendees must register online and check in at the registration table. There is a 50 person limit.

Register for the Event

View the Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainability Event Series and register for other events.

For more information, contact Prof. Greg Fields, gfields@siue.edu, 618.650-2461.


  • Noon:  Doors Open 

  • 12:30 pm: Welcome by Julie Zimmermann, Professor and Chair of Anthropology, SIUE 

  • 12:35 pm: Introduction of presenters by Dr. Ed Spevak, Saint Louis Zoo 

  • 12:45 pm: Presentations and dialogue with specialists on bison and the Bison Treaty: 

    • Leroy Little Bear, JD (Kainai Nation, Blackfoot Confederacy) Alberta

    • Roxann Smith, M.Ed. (Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian

    • Reservation) MT 

    • Chance Weston (Oglala Lakota) Porcupine, SD 

  • 1:15 pm: Dialogue 

  • 2:00 pm: Dialogue concludes  

  • 2:00 pm: Refreshments  

  • 2:30 pm: Event concludes

70th Anniversary of the Geodesic Dome Patent

On June 29th, 1954, Buckminster Fuller was awarded with the United States patent for the Geodesic Dome. 70 years later, on the weekend of June 29th, 2024, the Fuller Dome, Center for Spirituality and Sustainability, on the campus of Southern Illinois University Edwardarsville, will be hosting a series of three special events to commemorate the occasion. All the events will be held in the miniature earth geodesic dome that Bucky built with his partner Shoji Sadao in 1971 for the SIUE campus. The dome was historically known as the “Religious Center” and today as the Fuller Dome, Center for Spirituality and Sustainability it is working to “promote humanity’s sacred connection to the earth and each other.”

“The World of Buckminster Fuller” • film screening • 6/28/24

On Friday, June 28th, at 7:00 PM, we will screen “The World of Buckminster Fuller” a film by Academy Award winner Robert Snyder. Robert Snyder married Bucky’s daughter Allegra Fuller Snyder and their son, Bucky’s grandson, Jaime Snyder will zoom into the Fuller Dome at SIUE for the event to introduce the film and share his personal impressions on this film that is so integral to his family’s legacy.

This film by Oscar-winning filmmaker Robert Snyder, like his other documentaries on “the greats” (Michelangelo, Henry Miller, Willem De Kooning, Pablo Casals, among others), transports the viewer into Fuller’s mind and soul. Told entirely in his own words, the film is an intimate, personal and inspiring message from Fuller to our fragile world.

“The Future Happens Under a Dome” • dome lecture • 6/29/24

On Saturday, June 29th, at noon, the Fuller Dome’s Director Benjamin Lowder will take attendees on a deep dive into the history and geometry of geodesic domes. This picture and illustration filled presentation will convey the utility and wonder of this architectural marvel that so efficiently reflects the patterns of natural growth within its structure.

A Geoview Sound Bath: Go In To Go Out • sound bath • 6/30/24

On Sunday, June 30th, at 6:00 PM, Los Angeles based Ceremoni Sounds invites you to explore the unique acoustic properties of The Center for Spirituality and Sustainability’s Fuller Dome for an immersive and transformative sound bath experience. Aligning with Fuller's holistic worldview, this event integrates the principles of whole health and sound healing practices. 

As Fuller described, "One goes inside to go outside oneself and into the center of the Earth and thence outward to the stars in seconds. The Edwardsville Center becomes at once a cathedral of universal reality and a cathedral of universal mystery." Join us for this remarkable event and embark on a journey of inner and outer exploration!

For more information, contact us at (618) 650-3246 • fullerdome@outlook.com

Allegra Fuller Snyder, at the Fuller Dome Gallery Inauguration

Buckminster Fuller’s daughter, Allegra Fuller Snyder attended the Inaugural Reception of the new Fuller Dome Gallery. This new exhibition space was made possible by a grant from the Meridian Society. It is located inside of the Fuller Dome on the SIUE campus. This inaugural exhibition created an opportunity to exhibit the Buckminster Fuller print portfolio, “Inventions, Twelve Around One.” Allegra had donated this portfolio of her father’s artwork to the Center for Spirituality and Sustainability in December of 2017 as way to recognize the good work being done by the Center to continue Bucky’s legacy.

Going forward, the Fuller Dome Gallery will share exhibitions curated from the SIUE University Museum Collection that align with the Center’s mission to “promote humanity’s sacred connection to the earth and each other.”

Celebration of World Faiths 2018

“Religious Freedom in America: Building Bridges of Trust.”

CWF Flyer 2018.jpg

Please join us at the Center for Spirituality & Sustainability in Edwardsville on October 20, 2018 at 7:00 for our 2018 Annual Celebration of World Faiths. This year’s program is a presentation on “Religious Freedom in America: Building Bridges of Trust.” It will begin with an animated video that explains in clear terms the origins of the separation of church and state doctrine and its importance to all faith traditions within the context of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 

The presenter will be Dr. Jaymeson Stroud, M.D., who is the president of the O’Fallon Illinois Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. He will share stories of religious persecution that LDS Church members experienced in Illinois and Missouri in the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth centuries to demonstrate the importance of religious freedom as intended by the founders of our country. Questions from the audience will be entertained as Dr. Stroud finishes his presentation. Refreshments and opportunity for fellowship will be provided after the program. 

The event is free and open to the public