We are deeply sadden to learn of the passing of architect Shoji Sadao. In 1964 Sadao co-founded the architectural firm Fuller & Sadao Inc. with his mentor and teacher Buckminster Fuller. Sadao is the architect of record on many of Bucky’s most significant projects including the Fuller Dome here on the SIUE campus. Shoji was a brilliant architect and designer in his own right who gave much of himself in the celebration and promotion of his mentors Isamu Noguchi and Buckminster Fuller. Shoji was a compassionate and supportive soul who put his energy towards the fulfillment of transformative ideas, rather than personal aggrandizement. His humility and vision is an inspiration to us all and he is sorrowfully missed.
Shoji Sadao (L) and Buckminster Fuller (R) at the Inaugural Event for our Center in 1972
Read more on the legacy of Shoji Sadao here at the Buckminster Fuller Institute, in the article they published upon his passing: https://mailchi.mp/bfi.org/on-tuesday-its-time-for-revolution-593327?e=02a09f00c9